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Artist in Residence

1. Your art often feels like a blend of emotions and abstract elements. Can you share the inspiration behind your latest artwork?

Ahh, yes. The current body of work I am in the middle of is preparing to ship to Norway for my next solo show.  The work speaks to my scandinavian heritage and my dad's home town. The work will be shown in the hometown he was born in, in Northern Norway.  This body of work speaks to the values that have shaped my life and therefore my art. Values rooted in connection, creativity, family and nature. It is simple, but it is where all my work stems from and what matters the most in my work and my life. I hope my work urges others to feel a sense of peace and connection. Connection to themselves, others and the natural world around them.



2. You’ve mentioned that the ocean has a significant influence on your work. How does living near the coast shape your creative process and the colors you choose for your art?

Absolutely. Going back to my roots, my grandparents grew up on a small fishing island in Norway, surrounded by water. This intuitive love for the coast feels like it is in my blood. My husband and I and two daughters recently uprooted and left Vancouver to live on Vancouver Island. Precisely to be closer to the ocean. It has such an impact on my well being and my creativity.



3. We’ve seen your use of texture and layering in your paintings. Could you tell us more about your techniques?

My work is involves a lot of water and acrylic paints. It has both an experimental side and a precise side to it. It involves a lot of colour mixing, pairing different mediums, setting up intentional accidents to play out on the canvas. After years of creating, I have found rhythms in my work that seem mindless to others, and yet they have taken years to develop and narrow in.



4. How do you find a balance between your artistic expression and your personal life? What rituals or routines keep you grounded in your creative journey?

Honestly, there is no perfect balance. As a mum and artist there are never ending to do lists and needs. My family and two daughters will always be my everything. They keep me grounded and narrow in my focus. I find my personal life and artistic life influence each other in a seamless way. I tried for years and years to have this perfect work/life balance.. only to find out it is all just part of life. My life is my work and my work is my life. As an artist it doesn't feel too separate anymore.



5. Joy, what’s next?

We are enjoying our recent move to Vancouver Island and continuing to settle in the next few months. I am excited to finish this body of work for my solo show in Norway.  Then dedicating the fall/winter to creating more work again. Long term - we are dreaming of starting an artist residency in the years to come. Specifically something for creatives to find deep rest without feeling the pressure to create. A space to connect with others, a place where families are welcome. A space to inspire.



You can follow Joy's work on socials via @joykinna